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Information about a match between two teams. More...
Information about a match between two teams.
This structure contains data related to a fixture between two competitors, including the name of the teams, the date and time of match and, if already played, the ending score.
TeamMatchEntry::$AwayClub |
The club index of the visiting team
The unique identifier of the club of the visiting team Example : 2054
for Sporcrea club of TTG Mollem.
type: string
TeamMatchEntry::$AwayTeam |
The name of the visiting team
The name includes the team letter. If available, the short name of the club is given. Example: Hurricane C
or Werchter A
type: string
TeamMatchEntry::$Date |
The date when the match is scheduled
Format is YYYY-MM-DD where
type: Date
TeamMatchEntry::$DivisionCategory |
The category of the division wherein the match has been played.
type: int
TeamMatchEntry::$DivisionId |
The unique identifier of the division wherein the match has been played.
type: int
TeamMatchEntry::$DivisionName |
The name of the division wherein the match has been played.
This name is only given if explicitely requested in GetMatchesRequest.
type: string
TeamMatchEntry::$HomeClub |
The club index of the visited team
The unique identifier of the club of the visited team Example : VLB-225
for VTTL club of Hurricane TTW.
type: string
TeamMatchEntry::$HomeTeam |
The name of the visited team
The name includes the team letter. If available, the short name of the club is given. Example: Hurricane C
or Werchter A
type: string
TeamMatchEntry::$IsAwayForfeited |
Indicates if the away team was not able to play the match and is forced to forteit the game.
type: boolean
TeamMatchEntry::$IsAwayWithdrawn |
Indicates if the away team has completely withdrawn from the current competetion. Possible values are: N: no (default) Y: yes 1: yes, during the first part of the competition 2: yes, during the second part of the competition
type: string
TeamMatchEntry::$IsHomeForfeited |
Indicates if the home team was not able to play the match and is forced to forteit the game.
type: boolean
TeamMatchEntry::$IsHomeWithdrawn |
Indicates if the home team has completely withdrawn from the current competetion. Possible values are: N: no (default) Y: yes 1: yes, during the first part of the competition 2: yes, during the second part of the competition
type: string
TeamMatchEntry::$IsLocked |
Indicates if the match has been locked for modification.
A match is typically locked when it has been validated (see IsValidated) or after a given amount of time without any further modifications.
type: boolean
TeamMatchEntry::$IsValidated |
Indicates if the match has been validated.
A match is typically locked when the match is validated by the division manager or when both teams have validated the match details.
type: boolean
TeamMatchEntry::$MatchDetails |
Details about the team match (among others: when it has been played, who did played and the list of individual games)
type: TeamMatchDetailsEntry[]
TeamMatchEntry::$MatchId |
A identifier for the match
This code is given by the championship organisator. It is usually the combination of the week and a unique number within the category. Example: PVLB/01/002
or LAND/12/121
. This identifier is unique among all matches of a given season but may not be unique among all the matches.
type: string
TeamMatchEntry::$MatchUniqueId |
A unique (internal) identifier for the match
This code is given by the TabT application. It is a positive integer that is unique among all matches. It can be use to reference a match on the TabT website. Example: match #21780
is match P01/165 WVL128 Waregem D vs WVL110 Gullegem K in West-Vlaanderen for season 2007-2008. It can be directly access using the link http://competitie.vttl.be/match/21780
type: string
TeamMatchEntry::$NextWeekName |
The name of the week (round) following the current one (given by WeekName)
This is usually a number but can sometimes be a letter. Example: 01
, 14
, D
type: string
TeamMatchEntry::$PreviousWeekName |
The name of the week (round) preceding the current one (given by WeekName)
This is usually a number but can sometimes be a letter. Example: 01
, 14
, D
type: string
TeamMatchEntry::$Score |
If the game has already been played, the result of the game.
The format is HH-AA where
Some examples: 14-2
, 9-1
, 4-3
type: string
TeamMatchEntry::$Time |
The time when the match is scheduled
Format is HH:MM where
Some examples: 14:00
, 19:00
, 19:45
type: Time
TeamMatchEntry::$Venue |
The index of the venue where the match has to be played
The unique identifier of the venue where the match has to be played. For clubs that do have only one venue, the value is always 1. To get the list of venues of a club, see GetClubs
type: integer
TeamMatchEntry::$VenueClub |
The club index of the venue where the match has to be played
type: string
TeamMatchEntry::$VenueEntry |
TeamMatchEntry::$WeekName |
The name of the week (round) when the match is scheduled
This is usually a number but can sometimes be a letter. Example: 01
, 14
, D
type: string