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Describe a member. More...
Describe a member.
MemberEntryType::$Address |
The player's address
This parameter is optional and may not always be specified (see GetMembersRequest).
type: AddressType
MemberEntryType::$BirthDate |
The player's birthdate
Format is YYYY-MM-DD
This parameter is optional and may not always be specified (see GetMembersRequest).
type: date
MemberEntryType::$Category |
The player's age category
Common catogory are: SEN, VET, MIN, ...
This parameter is optional and may not always be specified (see GetMembersRequest).
type: date
MemberEntryType::$Club |
The club index of the player
This parameter is optional and may not always be specified (see GetMembersRequest).
type: string
MemberEntryType::$Email |
The player's main email address
This parameter is optional and may not always be specified (see GetMembersRequest).
type: string
MemberEntryType::$FirstName |
The given name of the player
type: string
MemberEntryType::$Gender |
The player's gender
M = male, F = female
This parameter is optional and may not always be specified (see GetMembersRequest).
type: string
MemberEntryType::$LastName |
The family name of the player
type: string
MemberEntryType::$MedicalAttestation |
Is true if the player sent a valid medical attestation
This parameter is optional and may not always be specified (see GetMembersRequest).
type: boolean
MemberEntryType::$NationalNumber |
The player's national number (if relevant)
This parameter is optional and may not always be specified (see GetMembersRequest).
type: AddressType
MemberEntryType::$Phone |
The player's phone information
This parameter is optional and may not always be specified (see GetMembersRequest).
type: PhoneType
MemberEntryType::$Position |
The position (order) of the member on the list
This number is unique and start at 1.
type: int
MemberEntryType::$Ranking |
The ranking of the player
type: string
MemberEntryType::$RankingIndex |
A special index to group player with the same ranking
All players that have the same ranking will receive the same ranking index. This index is the position of the last player of this ranking. This index can optionally be used in TabT.
Note: some members are not "playing members" so it means they cannot play any match. Such players do not have a raking index
type: int
MemberEntryType::$RankingPointsCount |
Number of entries in RankingPointsEntries
This parameter is optional and may not always be specified (see GetMembersRequest).
type: boolean
MemberEntryType::$RankingPointsEntries |
Information about the member's ranking points
This parameter is optional and may not always be specified (see GetMembersRequest).
type: boolean
MemberEntryType::$ResultCount |
The number of player's results
This parameter is optional and only returned if WithResults has been set (see GetMembersRequest).
type: int
MemberEntryType::$ResultEntries |
Detailed player's results
This parameter is optional and only returned if WithResults has been set (see GetMembersRequest).
type: PlayerResultEntry[]
MemberEntryType::$Status |
The status of the player
Common status are: A = Active, R = Recreative, V = Reserve
This parameter is optional and may not always be specified (see GetMembersRequest).
type: string
MemberEntryType::$UniqueIndex |
The unique index of the member
Each player is given a unique number, usually given by the federation he/she is belonging to.
Examples: VTTL id of GAËTAN FRENOY is 505290
, Sporcrea id of JOHAN DE KONINCK is 8196
type: int