Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CClubEntryInformation about a club
 CCommentEntryTypeA comment on a team match
 CCredentialsTypeDefines credentials to connect to a TabT website
 CGetClubsRequestInput parameters of the GetClubs API
 CGetClubsResponseOuput parameters of the GetClubs API
 CGetClubTeamsRequestInput parameters of the GetClubTeams API
 CGetClubTeamsResponseOutput parameters of the GetClubTeams API
 CGetDivisionRankingRequestInput parameters of the GetDivisionRanking API
 CGetDivisionRankingResponseOutput parameters of the GetDivisionRanking API
 CGetMatchesRequestInput parameters of the GetMatches API
 CGetMatchesResponseOuput parameters of the GetMatches API
 CGetMatchSystemsRequestInput parameters of the GetMatchSystems API
 CGetMembersRequestInput parameters of the GetMembers API
 CGetMembersResponseOutput parameters of the GetMembers API
 CGetPlayerCategoriesRequestInput parameters of the GetPlayerCategories API
 CGetPlayerCategoriesResponseOutput parameters of the GetPlayerCategories API
 CGetSeasonsResponseOutput parameters of the GetSeasons API
 CGetTournamentsRequestInput parameters of the GetTournaments API
 CGetTournamentsResponseOutput parameters of the GetTournaments API
 CIndividualMatchResultEntryResult of a match between two players (aka single match) or team of two players (aka double match)
 CMemberEntryTypeDescribe a member
 CPlayerCategoryEntryOutput parameters of the GetPlayerCategories API
 CPlayerResultEntryA individual game result as returned by GetMembers
 CRankingEntryInformation about a team listed in a GetDivisionRanking ranking
 CSeasonEntryInformation about one season
 CTeamEntryA team of a club
 CTeamMatchDetailsEntryDetailed informations about a match between two teams
 CTeamMatchDoubleTeamEntryA double team of a team match
 CTeamMatchEntryInformation about a match between two teams
 CTeamMatchPlayerEntryDefines a single player of a team match
 CTeamMatchPlayerListA list of players that are participating to a team match
 CTestRequestInput parameters of the Test API
 CTestResponseOutput parameters of the Test API
 CTournamentRegisterInput parameters of the TournamentRegister API
 CTournamentRegisterResponseOutput parameters of the TournamentRegister API
 CTournamentSerieEntryTypeA tournament serie
 CUploadRequestInput parameters of the Upload API
 CUploadResponseOutput parameters of the Upload API
 CVenueEntryInformation about a club venue